Problems of Evil and Suffering
PHILOS 123 / REL St 103
Fall 2022
Class time/location: M/W 2:00–3:20; Steinhaus Hall 128 (map here)
Mondays, HICF 100L (map here)
Section 1: 4:00–4:50pm / Section 2: 5:00–5:50pm
Professor: Brianne Donaldson — [email protected]
Office Location HIB 56; map here (lowest level & end of the hall)
Office Location HIB 56; map here (lowest level & end of the hall)
Graduate Teaching Assistant: Evan Sommers — [email protected]
Office Location HIB XXX; map here (lowest level & end of the hall)
Office Location HIB XXX; map here (lowest level & end of the hall)